Witch Alert! Free Herbalism webinars, Food timeline


The American Herbalist’s guild has an archive of free webinars (only some with accompanying .pdfs, though)!!  Go look!


Foodtimeline.org covers everything from water and ice to cronuts.  This is a preserved and (as of 2013) updated work started by the late Lynne Olver.  From the webpage:

Thee Food Timeline was created and maintained solely by Lynne Olver (1958-2015, her obituary), reference librarian with a passion for food history. About it she originally said ” Information is checked against standard reference tools for accuracy. All sources are cited for research purposes. As with most historical topics, there are some conflicting stories in the field of food history. We do our best to select and present the information with the most documented support. Heritage Radio interviews Food Timeline editor (2013).

Here’s a link to what Olver found about Celtic cuisine, ancient and “newer”.


Witchy Tools: Evernote

Hi there!  Does anyone else have a sloppy notebook or pile of filed for your spiritual practices?  I have for ages, but I got impatient with not being able to find what I wanted, and frequently having to tear out things and start anew.  To upgrade a bit and save some paper, I started keeping notes on my computer.  Then I outgrew the word document, paperlike interface.  Now, this will sound like a commercial, but bear with me.  I got the idea to use Evernote.

Evernote is a site/app that allows you to keep, index, and sync notes across different devices.  It has many more bells and whistles, but I tend to just use the basic functions and that works for me.  You can log into the site itself or use the app and your notebooks are right there.  There’s a free version with limited functions and space which I used for a long time.  I have upgraded for some more space, but if you keep an eye on the monthly limit, you can work just fine with the freebie version.

This morning I took my growing herbal and made a notebook out of it.  I then transferred my previous writings and clippings from the original document into separate notes, as opposed to one long term-paper-like file.  Evernote will allow you to view your notes multiple ways, but I like the one below, because it shows the first few lines of text right under the title:


To keep things organized, I’ve added tags to each note in the herbal so if I’m looking for, say, tarot spreads I can just click the “tarot” tag and all tarot-containing notes will pop up. This saves a lot of scrolling/skimming when I need something that I can only half recall!

So if you haven’t already, please give this a try!  As you can see I have a few other notebooks going on in there too.  Whatever I put in on my mac at home will sync and show up on my ipad’s Evernote app if I’m out and about (or too comfy to get my ass to my desk).

Take care and be well!

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